Paramount Church
Sunday, September 29, 2019

  • Rush Witt
  • Preacher/SpeakerRush Witt
  • Sermon SeriesKingdom on The Move
  • Sermon TitleThe Emboldening Power of True Brotherhood
  • Scripture ReferenceActs 21:1-26

Service Time(s)

Sunday ABF/YBF: 9:15 am
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Community Groups Meet During the Week

Our Location

211 N. Merkle Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209

The Gospel is Paramount

Welcome to Paramount Church! We hope you are encouraged and strenghtened in your faith today! We desire to be fervently praying church. May the Lord carry us another step forward today.

Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac

Member Meeting 9.29

Member Meeting - September 29 at 9:15 AM. This is an important meeting for our church members to discuss our future building plans and financial information. Donuts will be provided.

College Dinner

Each week our college ministry hosts College Dinner on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and classmates for fellowship and a meal! Contact Josh for more info.

Prayer Service


Sunday, September 29th at 7 pm we will gather for our monthly prayer service to pray corporately. Have a prayer request? Please email for all prayer requests.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting


Join us on Wednesday 's for our weekly prayer meeting at the Bowman's on Friday mornings at 7 AM. Contact Court Bowman for more details.

New Member Class

Community Group

New Member Class starting Saturday, October 5th from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Internet Access

Access the online bulletin, email prayer requests, and use it to serve others. But please don't goof off during the worship service.

Select Paramount - Paramount-Guest
Password: ParamountGCCM

Get in the Loop

Keep in touch with planned church activities by visiting the online calendar. It is updated regularly and a great resource for keeping you and your family in the know. Go to Calendar

CG Questions 9.29

Community Group

1. In what ways have you experienced true brotherhood in the Church (present and past)?
2. What is most important to you in Christian friendship?
3. What ways can you grow in being a brother or sister in Christ to others?

Prayers and Praises

Pray for the Persecuted Church: Brunei


13% of their population (an abnormally high percentage) is Christian in this nation which is less than half the size of Columbus. Their society is impacted by the enforced Sharia laws and policies favoring Muslims. Pray for Muslims who turn to Christ and now face strict punishment under Sharia law. Pray that the government of Brunei would lift the decree that bans the importation of Bibles and the public celebration of Christmas. Pray for underground believers who feel persecution strongly because the country is so small and there is nowhere to run if their faith in Christ is exposed and that they would have wisdom and courage to be lights for Christ. Pray for the health of the church as they are affected by the scarcity of young people since many leave for better futures outside of their nation.

Pray for our missionaries:


Erik & Julianne -- Wisdom in next steps of a partnership between their local HC and a network; family beginning homeschool and busy season of ministry at a local university
Connor & Bella -- Transitions into the busy school year meeting and sharing with new friends as well as perseverance in language study