Paramount Church
Sunday, July 12, 2020

  • Rush Witt
  • Preacher/SpeakerRush Witt
  • Sermon SeriesJesus is Better
  • Sermon TitleThe Single Sacrifice for All
  • Scripture ReferenceHebrews 10:1-18

Service Time(s)

Sunday ABF/YBF: 9:15 am
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Community Groups Meet During the Week

Our Location

211 N. Merkle Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209

The Gospel is Paramount

Welcome to Paramount Church! We hope you are encouraged and strenghtened in your faith today! We desire to be fervently praying church. May the Lord carry us another step forward today.

Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac

Church Work Day 7.18

Come Saturday, July 17th, and help keep the church beautiful! We will be cleaning and maintaining the lawn, building, and more. Reach out to Kevin King for more info.

Worship Service Live Stream

Sunday's at 10:30 am join us via Facebook for our worship service. Our preference is always to gather in-person, but for those that cannot, we’ll stream our worship services online. Please be diligent to join us on Sunday mornings. We believe the Lord is pleased by our efforts.

Partner with us in Ministry

If you desire to partner with us in ministry you can give online through the link here. Giving to our ministry is now easier than ever. You can follow this link and be taken to our giving portal which will go directly to our ministry or you can download the church center app.

CG Questions 7.12

Community Group

1. Why is it important for us to hear the gospel before we obey the Law? How can you grow to live out this order more faithfully?
2. How are you relating to God these days? Are your deeds for Jesus overshadowing your affections for Christ?
3. During this time in our country, what are some key sacrifices we can make–of time, attention, freedom, and rights–to glorify God and bless other people?

Prayers and Praises

June 7 designated as Southern Baptist Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church


On average, eight Christians died every day for their faith in 2019. That equals more than 2,920 people killed for the cause of Christ last year, according to the 2020 annual report from Open Doors’ World Watch List. In addition, 9,488 churches or Christian buildings were attacked, and 3,711 Christians were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced and imprisoned.

For more info go to this link:

IMB 175 Days of Prayer


IMB personnel around the world deal with the constant reality that they may suddenly be required to leave the country where they serve. Mostly recently, some were evacuated to locations with better medical care because of the coronavirus pandemic. In several countries, foreigners are required to leave the country a few times each year. And each time they leave, they know that they might not be granted access to return. One missionary shared her family's experience: "In the past two years, our family has experienced multiple challenges. Due to security and visa issues, our family had to abruptly leave the country where we served for 15 years to travel back to the U.S.A. Without fully realizing it at the time, we lost our beloved community and most of our belongings overnight. We have since moved to a new country, where our energy is spent learning a new culture and language and figuring out where we fit in the new and strange land. We have also experienced debilitating illnesses that leave us feeling discouraged and weak. These experiences are not unique to our family. Missionaries around the world face challenges and suffering due to security issues, persecution, illness, logistics, etc. Pray that we will not be discouraged or surprised by suffering, but that we will rejoice as we share in the sufferings of Christ (1 Peter 4:12). Pray for perseverance and that our relationship with Christ will be strengthened during trials."