Paramount Church
Sunday, January 6, 2019

  • Preacher/SpeakerMissionary to Asia
  • Sermon SeriesMiscellaneous
  • Sermon TitleWorship that Reaches the Nations
  • Scripture ReferencePsalm 96

Service Time(s)

Sunday ABF/YBF: 9:15 am
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Community Groups Meet During the Week

Our Location

211 N. Merkle Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209

The Gospel to the Nations

Welcome to Paramount Church! We hope you are encouraged and strenghtened in your faith today! We desire to be fervently praying church. May the Lord carry us another step forward today.

Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac

Community Group Questions - Jan 6

1. What did you see in the Psalm 96 that makes you worship God? How can you worship him throughout the day for these attributes?
2. What did you learn about the nations and God’s plan for them? How should you respond?
3. All of creation will worship God. How does this give you hope? See Romans 8:18-25 and Revelation 21 and 22 for help.

Get in the Loop

Keep in touch with planned church activities by visiting the online calendar. It is updated regularly and a great resource for keeping you and your family in the know. Go to Calendar

Childcare Schedule


Childcare Schedule Here It is our joy as a church to care for the souls of the children God has entrusted to us. Please visit the link to learn when your next opportunity will be.

Financial Giving

October Giving Report:

Budget: $13,962
Actual: $14,917.20
Difference: +$955.20

Give Online.

Internet Access

Access the online bulletin, email prayer requests, and use it to serve others. But please don't goof off during the worship service.

Select Paramount - Paramount-Guest
Password: ParamountGCCM

Prayers and Praises

Pray for the Nations


Missions in Asia -- wisdom and discernment for future direction.  Pray for endurance and boldness for nationals.
Colleen Hall in the Philippines -- car troubles making frequent travels difficult.  Pray for Filipino Xian students to join short term work this Spring and for long term Filipino workers for the island of Socorro.