Paramount Church
Sunday, October 20, 2019

  • Preacher/SpeakerRush Witt
  • Sermon SeriesKingdom on The Move
  • Sermon TitleWicked Conspiracy
  • Scripture ReferenceActs 23:12-35

Service Time(s)

Sunday ABF/YBF: 9:15 am
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Community Groups Meet During the Week

Our Location

211 N. Merkle Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209

The Gospel is Paramount

Welcome to Paramount Church! We hope you are encouraged and strenghtened in your faith today! We desire to be fervently praying church. May the Lord carry us another step forward today.

Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac

Truck or Treat 10.31

Trunk or Treat! Come serve our community on Monday, October 31, 2022, 5:30 - 7:00 pm at 211 N. Merkle Rd. There is an opportunity to volunteer and pass out candy. More details to come on how to sign up, etc.

College Dinner

Each week our college ministry hosts College Dinner on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and classmates for fellowship and a meal! Contact Josh for more info.

Get in the Loop

Keep in touch with planned church activities by visiting the online calendar. It is updated regularly and a great resource for keeping you and your family in the know. Go to Calendar

Wednesday Prayer Meeting


Join us on Wednesday 's for our weekly prayer meeting at the Bowman's on Friday mornings at 7 AM. Contact Court Bowman for more details.

Ladies' Retreat


Ladies' Retreat November 5th-7th in Hocking Hills. Check your email from Debbie for details for the retreat schedule, things to bring, etc.

This is a great time to dig deeper into the word together, encourage one another and have great fellowship. More details to follow.

Internet Access

Access the online bulletin, email prayer requests, and use it to serve others. But please don't goof off during the worship service.

Select Paramount - Paramount-Guest
Password: ParamountGCCM

Thanksgiving Dinner 11.22

Grateful hearts will gather for Thanksgiving Dinner on Friday, November 22nd, 2019 at 6 pm . Invite your family, friends, and co-workers. Hosted at Africentric High School, 3223 Allegheny Ave, Columbus, OH 43209.

Food sign up link here

Childcare Schedule


It is our joy as a church to care for the souls of the children God has entrusted to us. Please visit the Childcare Schedule to learn when your next opportunity will be.

Click here for the schedule.

CG Questions 10.20

Community Group

1. What sacrifices have you seen the world make in an effort to oppose Christ?
2. What ways do you plan to change your daily our weekly routine in order to grow spiritually?
3. How can you grow or sharpen yourself as a reader of God’s truth? Bible reading? Book reading? Others?

Prayers and Praises

Pray for a Nation: Russia


162 People Groups; 135 Languages.
Pray for true religious freedom to reign as discrimination and prejudices against evangelicals are rooted out. Pray for the millions who consider themselves Russian Orthodox to embrace spiritual change that leads to biblical faith. Pray for millions who struggle against poverty and hopelessness, resulting in a population drop of about 500,000 each year from a variety of despairing causes. Pray for a vision for outreach as many communities have no connection to a gospel-preaching church.

Pray for our Jewish Neighbors:


Pray for opportunities to develop relationships with Jews in and around Bexley. Ask God to show you ways to strengthen those friendships, look for ways to serve them, and pray for wisdom regarding opportunities to share your faith with them, especially as we reach out to the community this Halloween. A great way to start is by asking open-ended questions. Pray for sensitivity to their needs and their feelings.