Paramount Church
Sunday, July 14, 2019

  • Preacher/SpeakerIsaac Barton
  • Sermon SeriesThe Office of Deacon
  • Sermon TitleServe One Another
  • Scripture ReferenceJohn 13:1-16

Service Time(s)

Sunday ABF/YBF: 9:15 am
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Community Groups Meet During the Week

Our Location

211 N. Merkle Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209

The Gospel is Paramount

Welcome to Paramount Church! We hope you are encouraged and strenghtened in your faith today! We desire to be fervently praying church. May the Lord carry us another step forward today.

Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac

Wednesday Prayer Meeting


Join us on Wednesday 's for our weekly prayer meeting at the Bowman's on Friday mornings at 7 AM. Contact Court Bowman for more details.

Women's Ministry: Hiking 7.27


Ladies mark your calendars! We will be hiking in Hocking Hills Saturday, July 27th. We will enjoy the beautiful scenery while we fellowship. Invite friends! More details to come. Let Holly or Kathryn know if you can drive.

Next event, Game Night 8.24 location TBD

YBF Friday Nights


Our Friday night YBP fellowships will continue this week, 7/12, from 7-9PM at the Barton home. The address is, 297 Rocky Fork Drive S, Gahanna. As always, please continue to encourage your YBF kids to invite their friends to these Friday night events.

Get in the Loop

Keep in touch with planned church activities by visiting the online calendar. It is updated regularly and a great resource for keeping you and your family in the know. Go to Calendar

Ordaining Deacons

As we prepare to ordain our first deacons, here is a document to help you learn more about this important office in our church,

document here.

Childcare Schedule


It is our joy as a church to care for the souls of the children God has entrusted to us. Please visit the Childcare Schedule to learn when your next opportunity will be.

Click here for the schedule.

CG Questions 7/14

Community Group

1. In what ways does self-righteousness keep you from serving?
2. What are some good examples of serving one another in love and humility that you have seen in the church?
3. Many of us have reasons for not serving as well we could but how might we get past those reasons to be better servants?

Prayers and Praises

Pray for Jews:


Ask God to protect Jewish people from antisemitism. Antisemitic books, actions, and people are on the rise everywhere. Jewish people in nations like Russia, France, Ukraine, Argentina, and other places are nervous about their future. Pray for their safety and peace. Pray that God will transform those who mistakenly hate the Jewish people; that their minds will be changed through love, rather than punishment.

Pray for a Nation: Indonesia


Almost 800 people groups; 722 languages; majority Muslim
Indonesia is large and diverse with 17,500 islands scattered across the ocean. Praise God for many positive changes in church growth, the government's democracy, and the spread of the main Indonesian language allowing more access to the gospel. Pray for Christians to respond to Islamic influence with love that represents the gospel. Pray for foreign missionaries sent to work with local Indonesian churches and build up believers to reach the nation.