Paramount Church
Sunday, April 7, 2019

  • Rush Witt
  • Preacher/SpeakerRush Witt
  • Sermon SeriesKingdom On The Move
  • Sermon TitleGospel-empowered Perseverance
  • Scripture ReferenceActs 14:1-18

Service Time(s)

Sunday ABF/YBF: 9:15 am
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Community Groups Meet During the Week

Our Location

211 N. Merkle Road
Bexley, Ohio 43209

The Gospel is Paramount

Welcome to Paramount Church! We hope you are encouraged and strenghtened in your faith today! We desire to be fervently praying church. May the Lord carry us another step forward today.

Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac Pastors Rush, Kevin, and Isaac

Good Friday & Easter Services

Good Friday service on April 19th at 7 pm at Good Shepherd and Easter Sunday, April 21st at 9:15 am.
Flyers for the Good Friday and Easter services are available in the sanctuary on the back table.

[DON'T USE] Friday Prayer Meeting


Join us on Friday's for our weekly prayer meeting at Panera Bread on Friday mornings at 6:00 AM located at 2924 E Broad St., Columbus, OH 43209.

Internet Access

Access the online bulletin, email prayer requests, and use it to serve others. But please don't goof off during the worship service.

Select Paramount - Paramount-Guest
Password: ParamountGCCM

Men's Summit

Men's Summit on April 12-13. Cost: $10. Please see Kevin King for more details.

Childcare Schedule


It is our joy as a church to care for the souls of the children God has entrusted to us. Please visit the Childcare Schedule to learn when your next opportunity will be.

Click here for the schedule.

Financial Giving Report

Budget 14,350.00
Giving. 15,542.00

Budget 14,350.00
Giving. 16,314.00

CG Questions 4/7

1. What does it mean to be bold in witnessing?
2. Why is it so difficult to maintain humility, even for Christians?
3. Determine together three keys from Scripture for becoming resilient in suffering

Prayers and Praises

Pray for a nation: Morocco


30 people groups, 10 languages, predominantly Muslim.

About 2,000 believers gather in small fellowships, but many feel pressure from family and other authorities. Pray that believers might grow amidst the persecution in faith, witness, and encouragement! Pray for the leadership of their house churches, for spiritual maturity, discipleship, and access to study the Word together. Though missionaries are not allowed in Morocco, there are other Christian ministries that reach people who are marginalized. Pray for the Church to model reconciliation among the Saharawi people of Western Sahara amidst the political trouble between them and Morocco and for further ministry to the refugees.

Pray for the Jews


Pray for our Jewish neighbors who go to learn and study at the Kollel in Bexley. Pray for opportunities to develop relationships with them, to study the Old Testament together, and to point them to the true Messiah-- especially as we approach Easter. Pray that God would use their influence to draw others to the good news. Pray specifically for the few thousand of Maghreb Jews who remain in Morocco with no Christian outreach to them.