Bethel Bible Downtown
April 7, 2024

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This Week

Eric Barton

  • Sermon“1 Corinthians”
Service Time(s)

Sundays | 9 AM & 10:30 AM
Online (10:30 AM) or In-Person

202 S Broadway Avenue
Tyler, TX 75703

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Baptisms and picnic TODAY after church!

April 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM
Where: Bethel Downtown

Join us TODAY for a celebration of baptism after the 2nd service! We'll head down to the coffee garden together to witness the baptisms of several believers, then enjoy a free meal together. All are invited!


Unique Giving Opportunity

Where: Bethel Downtown

Downtown family, we have a unique opportunity for you to provide some direct support to one of our much loved missions partners. Gabriele and Melissa Guidi are our Italian missions partners in Milan, and they are working on sending their two teenage daughters to Pine Cove this summer. Melissa got to attend Pine Cove when she was a teen, and it was a life-changing experience that they would love for their own kids to have. While here, the teens would also get to stay with a Bethel host family and experience our church firsthand.

They've received a great discount to cover most of the cost of camp, but they still need to raise about $6000 to cover the remainder and the plane tickets from Italy. While this is outside of the norm for how we fundraise, in this case it's similar to when we raised money for them to get a new computer four years ago. It's a one-time ask that will help them and their family as they do ministry in a place that desperately needs it, and we're excited for the opportunity to give because they are truly an extension of us in Milan. Donate by clicking the link below and selecting "Guidi Daughters Pine Cove Fund" from the drop down menu at the top.


Mighty Men of God- Level 5 Friendship

April 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Where: Bethel Hope

Mark your calendars, and join us for an epic men’s event featuring former NFL player Jeff Kent! We’ll meet on Saturday, April 27th from 10AM-1:30PM at the Hope Worship Center. The cost is $10 which covers a box lunch from Jason’s Deli. The deadline to register is April 21. Visit to learn more about Jeff. 

Questions? Email


Mission Trips 2024

Where: Bethel Downtown

Our mission as the Church is to go into the world and proclaim the Good News of Jesus to all of creation, calling people to faith–to believe in Him–so that we would make disciples and glorify God. Live Sent. This means being ready to go, send, and pray as we fulfill the Great Commission. Learn more about our upcoming mission trips in 2024 and how you can support those going on a trip or GO on one yourself!

Questions? Email Jeff Bice at


Our Next Study Trip Is Here!

Where: Bethel Downtown

Our next study trip is here! This fall, Eric and Ross are taking a group to Turkey and Greece for an all-inclusive trip focused on the biblical history of the region. Participants will depart on October 26 and return on November 8. There's a discount for registering before May 3, so if you're interested, it's the perfect time to start looking into it! Click the button below for more information.


Visiting with Us?

Bethel Downtown

Thank you for worshiping with us today! Please text “Connect” to 903-437-4437 so we can get a little more info about you!

How Can We Pray for You?

We count it a joy to pray for you! If you have a prayer request, please text "DTPrayer" to (903) 437-4437 and let us know how we can pray for you.

Giving Numbers


April Need: $234,370
April Received: $190,048
April Expenses: $262,505

New Giving Families in March: 13

How to Give


We don’t pass an offering plate here at Bethel. We have Four Ways to Give:

1.) Offering Boxes | Place your offering in the boxes in the lobby and near the exits in the sanctuary

2.) By Mail | Mail your check or donation to 17121 US Hwy 69 S, Tyler, TX 75702. Please list your campus in the memo line or note with your donation.

3.) Online | Give Securely Online (

4.) Text 2 Give | Text the word “GIVE” to 903-437-4437.

Life Group Discussion Questions - Acts 3:11-26

1. Describe a time when you shared your faith - how did it go? What went wrong; what went right? What's something you would do differently?

2. Why is it difficult for many Christians to share their faith? What are the obstacles to evangelism? How can we address and overcome those?

3. What aspects of your past discourage you from sharing your faith? How could that be an entrance to someone else's situation?

4. Have you ever been the recipient of someone trying to share their faith...badly? How did that make you feel? What can we do to prevent repeating those kinds of errors?

5. When sharing your faith, what are some Scriptural passages that you would want to use?

Missions Prayer and Updates

Sierra Leone Team


This week, a team from Bethel embarked on a mission to serve in Sierra Leone for the week. Here are four specific areas where your prayers can support their journey:

1. Let's lift up Chris Mueller, Jeff Bice, and Jerry Putman, who are leading the teaching team. Pray for clear communication as they impart knowledge through the Bethel Theological Studies course to pastors and ministry leaders.

2. Join us in praying for Cindy Luft, Marty Putman, and Robyn Sturgeon, who are part of the women’s ministry team. Ask for wisdom and grace as they minister to women, teachers and students.

3. Lift up the pastors attending the Bible Institute and the women receiving ministry. Pray for receptive hearts and minds, ready to absorb and apply what they learn, fostering growth and transformation through Jesus.

4. Let's pray for unity and spiritual protection over the entire team from April 4th to April 13th. Also, ask for safety during their travels.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer as we support this mission!

Order of Worship Here's what's happening in the service today:
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Order of Worship

Order of Worship Here's what's happening in the service today: